Honda Accord

1998-1999 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Honda Chord
+ Cars of the Honda Accord brand
+ Settings and routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Electric equipment of the engine
+ Engine management
+ gear shifting Box
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
- Onboard electric equipment
   Search of causes of failures of electric equipment
   Safety locks - the general information
   Chain breakers
   The relay - the general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the breaker of indexes of turns / alarm system
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of understeering switches
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the switch of ignition and lock of blocking of a steering column
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of switches of the dashboard
   Check of serviceability of functioning of measuring instruments of a combination of devices
   Removal and installation of a combination of devices
   Removal and installation of the radio receiver and loudspeakers
   Removal and installation of the antenna of the radio receiver
   Replacement of lamps of head headlights
   Adjustment of the direction of optical axes of head headlights
   Replacement of block headlights
   Replacement of lamps
   Running fires of light time of day (DRL)
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of an electric motor of the drive of screen wipers
   Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of horns of a horn
   Check of serviceability of functioning and recovery repair of a heater of back glass
   Control system of speed (tempostat) - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The electric drive of window regulators - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The uniform lock - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   The electric drive of external rear-view mirrors - general information and check of serviceability of functioning
   Safety cushions - the general information
+ Schemes of electric equipment

Смотрите рекомендацию :

Женская грудь, как мало мы о ней знаем, для всеобщего обзор, переходить в категорию для вас каждый видео будет открывать большую завесу тайны, что на самом деле женские груди это часть женского организма, которое требует определенного внимания и нежности во время секса.

The electric drive of external rear-view mirrors - general information and check of serviceability of functioning

In most cases for the drive of a lateral rear-view mirror two electric motors are used: one provides adjustment of provision of a mirror in the vertical plane, the second - in horizontal. In addition, on some models the electrical heating of mirrors working at inclusion of heating of back glass is provided.

The switch of control of the electric drive is equipped with the selector knot providing a choice of the direction of giving of tension (on right or on the left mirror). Without starting the engine, turn the ignition key in the situation ON, lower door glasses and test all modes of functioning of the electric drive of both lateral mirrors.

Attentively listen to the sounds made by electric motors of the drive of mirrors.

If aurally the motor works regularly, however the mirror does not change the situation, perhaps, defect of the driving mechanism in a mirror takes place.

Remove the corresponding mirror and sort it for search of a cause of failure.

If mirrors do not function and motors of their drives do not make any sounds, check a condition of the corresponding safety lock (see the Section Safety locks - the general information).

If a safety lock as it should be, remove assembly of the switch of management from the support, without disconnecting from it an electrical wiring. Include ignition and check existence of tension on the switch - tension has to take place on one of plugs. If tension is absent, check a chain electrical wiring on a site between the switch and the panel of safety locks for existence of breaks and short circuit.

If tension takes place, disconnect an electrical wiring from the switch. Check the switch for existence of conductivity in all its provisions. If conductivity is absent, replace the switch.

Again connect an electrical wiring to the switch. Find the wire going from the switch on weight. Without disconnecting the switch, establish a wire crossing point between the plug of this wire and weight. If now motors start working regularly, replace contact knot of grounding.

If the drive still does not function, remove the corresponding mirror and check a chain in it for existence of tension (at the included ignition and appropriately installed switch selector). Serially transfer the switch to all its possible provisions - in each of them (except neutral [OFF]) tension has to take place on one of mirror electric drive chain wires.

If tension is absent at all provisions of the switch, check a chain electrical wiring on a site between a mirror and the switch for existence of breaks and short circuits.

If tension takes place, remove a mirror and check serviceability of functioning of its drive by direct connection to the battery by means of wires crossing points. Replace a faulty mirror (see the Head Kuzov).