Honda Accord1998-1999 of releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Honda Chord + Cars of the Honda Accord brand + Settings and routine maintenance + Engine + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply system and release + Electric equipment of the engine - Engine management System of onboard diagnostics (OBD) - the principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions Removal and PCM/ECM installation Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of absolute pressure in the pipeline (MAR) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid of the engine (eats) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of VMT/provision of a cranked shaft (TDC/CKP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of position of pistons (CYP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the detector of control of electric loadings (ELD) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor switch of pressure in system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PSP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the oxygen sensor (l-probe) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of a detonation Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of speed of the movement of the car (VSS) Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC) Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the air valve of correction of composition of air and fuel mix (FIA) System of the operated ventilation of a case (PCV) System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases (EGR) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components System of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components The catalytic converter - the general information, check of a state and replacement + gear shifting Box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment exotic whip |
System of onboard diagnostics (OBD) - the principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions Data on diagnostic units With introduction to production to meeting requirements of the last legislations for environmental protection of system of onboard diagnostics of the second generation (OBD-II) readers of a special design started being issued. Some producers adjusted release of the scanners intended for use by amateur mechanics in house conditions, - ask in shops of automobile accessories. In principle, reading of the codes of malfunctions which are written down in memory of system of self-diagnostics can be made by means of the wire crossing point established between concrete plugs of the 16-contact diagnostic socket. General description of OBD system Some diagnostic devices making monitoring of separate parameters of systems of decrease in toxicity and fixing the revealed refusals in memory of the onboard processor in the form of individual codes of malfunctions are a part of OBD system. The system makes also check of sensors and actuation mechanisms, controls operational cycles of the vehicle, provides possibility of freezing of parameters and cleaning of the block of memory.All models described in the present manual are equipped with system of onboard diagnostics of the second generation (OBD-II). A basic element of system is the onboard processor more often called by the electronic module of management (ESM), or the module of management of functioning of the power unit (RSM). RSM is a brain of a control system of the engine. Basic data arrive on the module from various information sensors and other electronic components (switches, the relay, etc.) . On the basis of the analysis of the data arriving from information sensors and according to the basic parameters put in memory of the processor, RSM develops commands for operation of various operating relays and actuation mechanisms, carrying out thereby adjustment of working parameters of the engine and providing maximum efficiency of its return at the minimum fuel consumption. Data read-out of memory of the OBD-II processor is made by means of the special scanner connected to the 16-contact diagnostic socket of reading of a database (DLC) located under the dashboard from the driver's party of the car.
On service of components of control systems of engine/decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases special guarantee certificates with the extended validity extend. It is not necessary to make attempts of independent performance of problem diagnostics of RSM or replacement of components of system, to an exit of terms of these obligations, - address to specialists of firm car repair shops of the Honda company. Information sensors Oxygen sensors (l-probes) - the Sensor develops a signal which amplitude depends on a difference of the content of oxygen (About 2) in the fulfilled gases of the engine and external air.Sensor of provision of a cranked shaft (SKR) - The sensor informs RSM on the provision of a cranked shaft and turns of the engine. This information is used by the processor during the determining of the moments of injection of fuel and installation of a corner of an advancing of ignition. Sensor of position of pistons (CYP) - On the basis of the analysis of the signals of RSM arriving from the sensor calculates position of the piston of the first cylinder and uses this information when determining the moments and sequence of injection of fuel in engine combustion chambers. BMT (TDC) sensor - The signals developed by the sensor are used by RSM when determining installations of a corner of an advancing of ignition at the time of start of the engine. The sensor of temperature of cooling liquid of the engine (eats) - on the basis of information of ECM/PCM arriving from the sensor carries out necessary corrections of composition of air and fuel mix and a corner of an advancing of ignition, and also controls work of EGR system. The sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT) - RSM uses information arriving from the IAT sensor at corrections of a stream of fuel, installations of a corner of an advancing of ignition and management of functioning of EGR system. Sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS) - The sensor is located on the case of a throttle and connected to an axis of a butterfly valve. Determines a corner of opening of a butterfly valve (is operated by the driver from a gas pedal) by amplitude of the given-out TPS of a signal of RSM and as appropriate corrects supply of fuel to inlet ports of combustion chambers. Failure of the sensor, or weakening of its fastening leads to interruptions of injection and violations of stability of turns of idling. The sensor of absolute pressure in the pipeline (MAR) - The sensor controls the depression depth variations in the inlet pipeline connected with changes of turns of a cranked shaft and load of the engine and will transform the received information to an amplitude signal. RSM uses information delivered by the MAR and IAT sensors at thin corrections of supply of fuel. The barometric sensor of pressure - the Sensor develops the amplitude signal proportional to changes of atmospheric pressure which is used by RSM at determination of duration of the moments of injection of fuel. The sensor is built in the RSM module and to service in an individual order is not subject. The detonation sensor - the Sensor reacts to change of level of the vibrations connected with detonations in the engine. On the basis of information of RSM arriving from the sensor carries out the corresponding correction of a corner of an advancing of ignition. Sensor of speed of the movement of the car (VSS) - As appears from its name, the sensor informs the processor on the current speed of the movement of the car. Sensor of size of opening of the EGR valve - The sensor notifies RSM on the size of shift of a plunger of the EGR valve. The received information is used then the processor at management of functioning of system of recirculation of the fulfilled gases. Pressure sensor in a fuel tank - the Sensor is a component of system of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) and serves for tracking of pressure of vapors of gasoline in a tank. On the basis of information of RSM arriving from the sensor gives out commands for operation of electromagnetic valves of a purge of system. Sensor switch of pressure of system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PSP) - On the basis of information of RSM arriving from the PSP sensor switch provides increase of turns of idling due to operation of the IAC sensor for the purpose of compensation of the increasing loads of the engine connected with functioning of the steering hydraulic booster at commission of maneuvers. Transmission sensors - In addition to the data arriving from VSS, RSM receives also information from the sensors placed in a transmission, or connected to it. Are among such sensors: (a) sensor of turns of a secondary (radical) shaft and (b) sensor of turns of an intermediate shaft. The sensor switch of management of turning on of the coupling of coupling of the conditioner of air - When giving power supply from the battery to the electromagnetic valve of the K/V compressor the corresponding information signal arrives on RSM which regards it as the evidence of increase of load of the engine and as appropriate corrects turns of its idling. Actuation mechanisms Main PGM-FI relay (relay of the fuel pump) - RSM makes activation of the relay of the fuel pump when turning the ignition key in the situation START or RUN. At ignition inclusion activation of the relay provides rise in pressure in a power supply system. More detailed information on the main relay is provided in the Head of the Power supply system and release.Fuel injection injectors - RSM provides individual inclusion of each of injectors according to an established order of ignition. Besides, the module controls duration of opening of injectors determined by the width of the operating impulse measured in milliseconds and defining amount of the fuel injected into the cylinder. More detailed information on the principle of functioning of system of injection, replacement and service of injectors is provided in the Head of the Power supply system and release. Module of management of ignition (ICM) - The module operates functioning of the coil of ignition, defining the demanded basic advancing on the basis of the developed RSM of teams. On all models of cars considered in the present manual ICM which is built in the distributor of ignition, for more details see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine is used. Valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC) - The IAC Valve carries out a dosage of amount of the air bypassed bypassing a butterfly valve when the last is closed or holds idling position. Opening of the valve and formation of the resulting air stream RSM operates. The electromagnetic valve of a purge of a coal adsorber - the Valve is a component of system of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) and, working at the command of RSM, carries out production of the fuel vapors which accumulated in an adsorber in the inlet pipeline for the purpose of burning them in the course of normal functioning of the engine. The electromagnet of management of a purge of a coal adsorber - the Electromagnet is used by RSM when checking by OBD-II system of serviceability of functioning of EVAP system. Reading of codes of malfunctions Cleaning of memory of ECM/PCM
List of codes of malfunctions of system of self-diagnostics of OBD-II