Honda Accord1998-1999 of releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Honda Chord + Cars of the Honda Accord brand + Settings and routine maintenance + Engine + Cooling systems, heating + Power supply system and release + Electric equipment of the engine - Engine management System of onboard diagnostics (OBD) - the principle of functioning and codes of malfunctions Removal and PCM/ECM installation Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of provision of a butterfly valve (TPS) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of absolute pressure in the pipeline (MAR) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of the soaked-up air (IAT) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of temperature of cooling liquid of the engine (eats) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of VMT/provision of a cranked shaft (TDC/CKP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of position of pistons (CYP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the detector of control of electric loadings (ELD) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor switch of pressure in system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (PSP) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the oxygen sensor (l-probe) Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of a detonation Check of serviceability of a state and replacement of the sensor of speed of the movement of the car (VSS) Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the valve of stabilization of turns of idling (IAC) Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the air valve of correction of composition of air and fuel mix (FIA) System of the operated ventilation of a case (PCV) System of recirculation of the fulfilled gases (EGR) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components System of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components The catalytic converter - the general information, check of a state and replacement + gear shifting Box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment + Schemes of electric equipment temizlik hizmetleri, hızlı çalışma. |
System of catching of fuel evaporations (EVAP) - the general information, check of a state and replacement of components General information The system accumulates the fuel evaporations accumulating in a power supply system during the parking of the car and provides a conclusion them in the inlet pipeline for burning in the course of normal functioning of the engine.The special adsorber filled with absorbent carbon which, actually, and collects in itself fuel evaporations surely is a part of any EVAP system. The way of a conclusion of evaporations from an adsorber can vary depending on a design of concrete system. The description given below will allow the reader to understand the principles of functioning of EVAP system of any type rather in details.
The cover of a jellied mouth of a fuel tank is equipped with the bilateral safety valve. In case of refusal systems the valve provides branch of fuel evaporations in the atmosphere. Other locking valve (ORVR valve) is installed near a fuel tank and provides adjustment of branch of fuel evaporations in a coal adsorber depending on the differences of pressure/depression connected with change of temperature. On the way to a coal adsorber fuel evaporations are missed via the double-thread valve and on ventilating hoses get to the coal adsorber established in a motive compartment where accumulate during the whole time of the parking. At start of the engine until its warming up up to the certain temperature the locking electromagnetic valve of a purge of an adsorber remains closed, allowing opening of the diaphragm valve of a purge at the expense of increase in depth of depression in the inlet pipeline. From an adsorber fuel evaporations via the diaphragm valve are blown in the inlet pipeline, from where come to combustion chambers where are burned out in the course of normal functioning of the engine. The fuel tank is equipped also with the sensor tracing changes of pressure in a tank both during the parking and on the run of the car. CHECK REPLACEMENT Coal adsorber